Dagsarkiv: november 14, 2014

Final name, concept and pictures – City Mockup

CITY MOCKUP – co-creating the urban space

The Authors are Melisa Jugo, Jonas Frich Pedersen, Daniella Rossi, Tau Sand, Sven Strandbygaard, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard and Michael Obitsø Vile.

The vision is to facilitate citizen dialogue about the spatial urban environment and allow citizens to furnish the public urban space. The project consists of digitally interconnected and tangible building blocks that citizens can use to construct their own desired urban architecture proposals. These building blocks requires a continuous usage by citizens to sustains it’s digital life and existence.  

Involving citizens in the process affords said citizens a greater comprehension and interest for development of and activities within the urban space.

Wooden modular elements in a predefined geometric shape is made available to groups of citizens, enabling them to construct more complex structures for placement and use within local urban space. If a given construction is not maintained/used/cared for it will become unstable as time passes, in the end disjuncting to the individual elements, which in turn may be used to make new constructions. Establishing groups of citizens and facilitating the constructive process may optionally be done through events – i.e. “How would you like a new bus stop to look” or “Build a shelter for a homeless person”.

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This project is made as part of Urban Computing, Fall 2014, Aarhus University and is under the mentorship of Martin Brynskov, Jonas Fritsch og Lone Koefoed Hansen. It’s funded by Cavi and Aarhus University.

A special thanks to DD-lab for the building facilities, Francesco Degl’Innocenti from Arkitektskolen Aarhus.