This Urban Computing Studio is composes of 7 students – Get to know more about us below!
Jonas Frich Pedersen
Creative and problem solving UX and Ix designer. Currently on my last year of my Cand.IT in Information Studies, AU. One of my greatest attributes is not only possessing highly analytical skills, but also bringing the gained insights with me to the creative mindset of the ideation face of a project. My creativity thrives in constraint or problematic domains, and thus challenges becomes fuels for innovation. I cherish hard work and consider myself to be a team player. LinkedIn or ol’school website.
Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard
I am a curious Digital Design-student (Cand.IT in Digital Design, AU) trying to balance critical and silly design explorations. As interaction designer I aim to facilitate engaging and intimate experiences that spark reflection, and pose question to the aesthetics and politics of design. My strengths are a critical and analytical mind, a strong aesthetic sense, and amazing soldering skills. I like my Arduino, everything conductive, and being in a happy team. Visit me on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Melisa Jugo
I am the kind of person who appreciates the mundane things in life. As a UxI designer I aim to incorporate finishing products. I try as a UxI designer to create product that slow people down and at the same time make them aware of their everyday routines. I try to some extent to facilitate a fresh/ altered perspective on mundane and everyday routines. Ex Like the act of deleting a friend from Facebook by creating voodoo doll that requires a form of ritual before you press “unfriend” ( or taking a routine walk in your local library but viewing this experience from a different angle and afterwards sharing the likes and dislikes through our design ( I do not think design need to be this elaborate consultation nor a boring piece of object you buy in a store, but by keeping the design/producted situated in the mundane, I love to explore different objects, happiness, pitfalls, blood, guts, heartbreaks, love, sex, colors, feelings, surfaces etc.… I am not the one who speaks the loudest, but I love a great discussion. I am team player and I try to always have an open my mind by having curious eyes and endorse it by getting my hands dirty.

Melisa J.
Connect with me on LinkdIn: and follow me Twitter:
Michael Obitsø
Creative individual currently studying the course Urban Computing on my way to a Cand.IT in Digital Design, AU. My strengths lie in creating solutions in graphical design, web-based interfaces and utilizing video editors. If you wish to get a small peek into my personal life, please feel free to visit me on Instagram, tumblr and Twitter.
Daniela Rossi
Currently attending the last year of the Master study in Computer Science at University of Aarhus. My areas of interests are Ubiquitous Computing and Human Computer Interaction.
Sven Strandbygaard
Building on a BA in Social Science with a minor in Computer Science I’m currently attending a Master in Information Studies with a focus on both human/human and human/technology interaction as well as development and architecture of concepts and systems. I have extensive professional experience from a number of fields including web development, project management and various branches of education at trade school level.
Details: LinkedIn